Procedure for configuring and working with xml files.
- 1. Registration - creating of a user account.
- If the user is registrated continue with the next step.
- After filling in and sending the registration form, a confirmation email will be sent to the entered email address to complete the registration.
- After clicking on the link from the email, the account is activated and it is possible to log in.
- 2. Login to the user account.
- 3. Filling in the basic data of the user account.
- Fill in the user profile in the "profile" menu.
- If the profile is already filled in, continue with the next step.
- Required data are:
- forename
- surname
- street
- city
- country
- In the "API" menu, you need to create and save an API key for API requests. In this menu it is also possible to restrict access to API requests with using IP addresses.
- For the API to work, it is necessary to add a credit for the account in the "credit" menu.
- "Name of the project" allows you to save the project under a different name. If the name of an existing project is entered, the existing project will be overwritten without warning.
- "Enabled", "Disabled" enables or disables the use of the project in the API.
- "Original feed url" allows you to change the feed that will be used when creating the output file. The button on the right updates the saved feed structure.
- "API url" is the generated address of the output file.
- "Output encoding" allows you to change the code page of the output file.
- "Output after" is the choice of processing the input feed in 1 or 2 passes. 2 passes are only relevant when using memory variables and "runtime" conditions in the "rules" section. Memory variables can be processed in both passes, feed only in the last.
- "Send headers" sends headers before the output of the generated output file. Options:
- no
- text/xml
- application/rss+xml
- application/rdf+xml
- application/atom+xml
- "Rules" are used to set the processing conditions of the input feed.
- "original feed" is loaded stored structure of the input xml file, "new feed" is loaded stored structure of the output xml file. The symbol "=>" is used to refill a new feed from the original feed. The symbol ▼ represents a tag with nested tags or attributes. The symbol A represents a tag attribute. If the line is without the initial symbol, it is a tag without nested tags resp. without attributes.
- Manipulating with a new feed, using rules and variables are described in the "Documentation" menu.
API call:
- The URL address is an "API url", it is in every detail of the project. The API uses the POST method. The required parameter is the key, that must be generated in the "API" menu.
- Example of calling with curl:
- curl xxx --data 'key=ZdNvL467qtqTYsQxOhRn'
- xxx is the URL address of the project
- The optional parameter is m. It can be used to initialize memory variables. It is a JSON string, where the key is the name of the variable and the value is its value.
- Example of calling with curl:
- curl xxx --data 'key=ZdNvL467qtqTYsQxOhRn&m={"rrr":"Test"}'
- xxx is the URL address of the project, rrr is the name of the initialized memory variable and Test is its value.